Will hearing loss and deafness occur as people age?

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The various functions of the elderly's body are slowly degenerating, which will lead to the occurrence of many diseases. Most elderly people will suffer from hearing loss. When others speak very loudly, the elderly cannot hear clearly, that is, We often talk about hearing loss. In fact, there are many causes of hearing loss in the elderly. Let’s take a look at the causes of hearing loss in the elderly.

Do people suffer from hearing loss and deafness as they age?

Under normal circumstances, as people age, the functions of various organs will decline, including vision, hearing, memory, etc. Therefore, hearing loss in the elderly is a normal condition, but it does not happen to everyone as they get older. Senile hearing loss is a condition like this. There are also some elderly people in their 80s and even 90s who are still deaf and blind. So the answer to your question is that most elderly people will have hearing loss as they age, but not all.

Because the body tissues of the elderly tend to degenerate, the inner ear and auditory nerve also undergo degenerative changes. The human hearing organ can be divided into three parts: the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. There is a cochlea in the inner ear, which contains auditory receptors, the organ of Corti. When the human body ages, the organ of Corti of the cochlear basilar membrane atrophies; at the same time, the cochlear nerve that innervates the basilar membrane atrophies. In addition, atrophy of the central nervous system in the elderly also leads to presbycusis.

It is necessary to protect your hearing when you are young. When you are old, your hearing will decline more slowly and to a lesser extent. Protecting hearing is not difficult. Hai Zhisheng summarized the following points:

1. Keep a regular schedule, go to bed early and don’t stay up late;

2. Eat a light diet and avoid heavy salty foods; < /p>

3. Have an appropriate amount of stress and learn to relieve it;

4. Do more exercise to enhance physical fitness;

5. Avoid being in a high-noise environment for a long time, and Use anti-noise earplugs;

6. Avoid wearing loud music headphones for a long time, and reduce the time and volume of wearing headphones;

 7. Avoid the use of ototoxic drugs;

8. Prevent/control the "three highs", hyperglycemia, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia;

9. If there is sudden tinnitus Or hearing loss, go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible to avoid delays;

10. If there is irreversible hearing loss, choose a hearing aid as soon as possible to protect the residual hearing and maintain good hearing sensitivity;

< p> 11. A cheerful attitude and positive attitude are very important.

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